Mommy Makeover

The physical stresses of pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding can change your body in ways that diet and exercise alone cannot undo — and that can have a real effect on your self-confidence. Dr. Tabbal performs mommy makeover surgery for women from the Frisco and Plano, Texas area who want to restore the contour and size of their breasts and midsection.

If you would like to discuss mommy makeover, or any other procedure, please request a consultation with Dr. Tabbal online, or give us a call at (214) 618-3006.

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Is a Mommy Makeover Right for You?

When you become a mom, everything changes. Most of those changes are exciting and wonderful — but a few are less desirable following childbirth:

  • Sagging or deflated breasts
  • Lax abdominal skin and stretch marks
  • A “pooch” at the midsection that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise

A mommy makeover is a combination of two procedures that’s uniquely designed to correct for all of these changes in a single surgery.

Geo N. Tabbal M.D.
Arriving at the right decision, together. Dr. Tabbal's promise to you is simple: providing all the information you need to make smart decisions about your care, leading to transformative results.
Meet Dr. Tabbal

Restoring the Breasts

For most women, a breast lift with implants is the best option, because it restores both the shape and volume of the breasts. However, some women only have sagging, while others only have diminished breast volume. For these patients, a mastopexy or augmentation on its own will be sufficient.

During your consultation, Dr. Tabbal will offer his recommendation on how to move forward with planning your surgery based on your anatomy.

Restoring the Midsection

This portion of the operation most commonly involves performing tummy tuck to address the contour of your abdomen. Dr. Tabbal removes excess skin and tightens the abdominal muscles if they have become separated (also known as diastasis recti). He then pulls the remaining skin tight, creating a flatter result.

As an ancillary benefit, a tummy tuck can often correct one of the telltale signs of pregnancy, stretch marks along the lower portion of the abdomen, which Dr. Tabbal removes along with the excess skin.

The Benefits of Combining Procedures

Because a mommy makeover typically combines the restoration of both the breasts and the midsection in a single surgery, you only need to go through a single recovery period. This means a more comprehensive transformation without having to take too much time off from work or taking care of your children. The cost of a single surgery is also lower, because you will only need to pay the facility and anesthesia fees once.

In keeping with the same principles of saving you time and lowering your costs, Dr. Tabbal is also happy to work closely with your past practitioners to combine procedures as necessary, such as your OB-GYN (e.g., hysterectomy).

Your Recovery & Results

As you transition from the operating room to the healing process, Dr. Tabbal will be there with you every step of the way. He will be the one wheeling you to the recovery room, speaking with your loved ones about how the procedure went, and calling you once you’ve returned home to make sure you are resting comfortably.

The length of your recovery is dependent on the extent of your operation, of course, but here are a few general guidelines as you heal:

  • Light walking is recommended during the first few days. Beyond that, avoid getting your heart rate up and anything that causes you to break a sweat.
  • No lifting until Dr. Tabbal gives you the OK in a follow-up visit.

Please feel free to call at any time. Dr. Tabbal wants every patient to feel thoroughly informed at every stage.