Breast Reduction

For women in Frisco, Texas who suffer from pain and limitations imposed by the weight of excess, heavy breast tissue, board-certified plastic surgeon Geo N. Tabbal, MD performs breast reduction surgery to reduce the size of the breasts and create a more proportional shape and balanced silhouette. The benefits of surgery are most notable for restored freedom and improved function that impacts all aspects of daily life. For many patients, the results of surgery are often expressed as “liberating” — both physically and emotionally.

Dr. Tabbal has had the privilege to successfully perform thousands of these surgeries; however, no amount of experience should ever minimize the importance of tailoring the specific surgical plan and overall goals of the procedure to the specific factors which make each patient (including the breasts of the same patient) so unique.

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What Is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction is a surgical procedure that is designed to alter the size and shape of a patient’s breasts to make them more proportionate to their body. The procedure is often pursued by women who are unhappy with the size of their breasts and experience regular struggles due to the weight. Breast reduction can offer both physical and emotional benefits, including:

  • Relief of neck, back, and shoulder pain
  • Successful treatment of recurrent skin rashes and bra-strap grooving
  • Greater freedom to perform routine, physical activities
  • Improved self-esteem
  • The ability to choose from a greater variety of bras and clothes

Am I a Candidate for Breast Reduction Surgery?

Ideal candidates for breast reduction are typically women who suffer from the weight of heavy breasts. Patients often seek an improvement in their quality of life and alleviation of chronic pain, most commonly in their neck, back, or shoulders. Additionally, candidates may find it difficult to exercise and wear clothes or bras because of the size of their breasts. It’s recommended that patients are at their goal weight or maintain a stable weight before pursuing the procedure.

When to Consider Breast Reduction

Beyond the cosmetic component to breast reduction surgery, many women see the procedure as a pressing need because they suffer from chronic pain in the back, neck, and shoulders. Many find it difficult to exercise and perform routine activities of daily life without being hindered by the physical discomfort they experience. The variety of ways in which patients benefit from breast reduction are numerous but include the physical relief of symptoms and the freedom to perform daily activities, while also improving the self-esteem and confidence that accompanies “feeling like your body fits you.” Wearing the clothing of one’s choice and having the freedom to wear “normal” bra shapes and styles are other examples of the many benefits of breast reduction.

Depending on the person or people being asked, the role of breast reduction surgery to some degree is cosmetic in nature; however, because the underlying focus remains its physical and functional changes for patients, it is certainly a reconstructive or restorative surgery. From the perspective of many insurance carriers, authorization for surgery is only given when it is considered medically necessary per the guidelines of the insurance company. The primary goal in these circumstances is to reduce the size of the breasts to a particular volume (or weight) to alleviate the physical symptoms. Consequently, surgeons who perform these operations are required to remove, at minimum, a specified amount of breast tissue for the surgery to qualify as medically necessary and covered as a reimbursable procedure.

It is worth noting that insurance carriers are neither interested or concerned about other important aspects of the patient’s surgery, including the ultimate shape, position, symmetry, and other factors which contribute to the aesthetic appearance of the breast. These considerations collectively contribute to the overall aesthetic appearance not only of the breasts themselves, but also influence the aesthetics of the chest, torso, and silhouette of the patient. Understandably, this directly impacts their self-image and self-confidence.

Dr. Tabbal feels that providing his patients with the satisfaction that breast reduction surgery so commonly affords is particularly rewarding. This satisfaction is compounded when surgery is successful by functionally liberating a patients’ prior physical restrictions and restoring the self-confidence that results from an aesthetically-pleasing surgery.

The goals and expectations of each patient are unique, akin to the uniqueness of one’s anatomy. Dr. Tabbal will recommend a type of breast reduction surgery that is best suited to achieve your desired results. During your consultation, he will dedicate a considerable amount of time speaking with you directly and candidly. He believes this is the cornerstone for any procedure performed in the field of plastic surgery.

What Does Breast Reduction Surgery Involve?

Similar to a breast lift procedure, Dr. Tabbal has a variety of breast reduction techniques from which to use. Whenever it is both feasible and optimal for a particular patient, Dr. Tabbal performs a technique which produces a scar in the shape of a “lollipop.” This includes a circular incision around the areola, as well as a vertical incision on the lower half of the breast. The technique can also be tailored for some individuals who require a slight curve to the vertical incision, making its appearance resemble the shape of a “J.”

For women who require more extensive removal of excessive breast tissue, the same incision is performed but also includes an incision within the crease of the breast. This skin incision pattern and scar are commonly referred to as a “wise-pattern” and resemble an anchor-shape, although much of the scar is hidden in the contour of the breast and the areola border. In each and every case, the planned surgery is tailored and based on the patient.

What Can I Expect After My Breast Reduction Procedure?

Breast reduction surgery is typically performed as an outpatient procedure, meaning that patients return home the same day of surgery. Dr. Tabbal advises his patients to avoid activities which would raise one’s heart rate or blood pressure for roughly two weeks after the procedure. A post-surgical bra, similar to a sports bra, helps to provide modest compression and support during the initial swelling after surgery and helps promote healing of the breast tissue. Although each patient is different, the majority of those who undergo breast reduction with Dr. Tabbal are discharged with a small amount of pain medication.

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Will My Breast Reduction Be Covered by Insurance?

Insurance coverage of breast reduction surgery can vary from patient to patient. Your policy may cover the procedure only if it agrees that surgery is medically necessary. More specific information is readily available and given to patients during and after their initial consultation with Dr. Tabbal.

For more information about breast reduction surgery, contact our practice to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tabbal.