Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

Women from Frisco and Plano, Texas, trust Dr. Geo Tabbal to perform breast lift surgery (also called mastopexy) to restore an uplifted, youthful appearance to sagging, often deflated breasts that result from the effect of hormonal changes on breast tissue arising from both pregnancy and breastfeeding, and other factors such as weight fluctuations, which all contribute to damaging the “elastic” quality and character of the skin In addition to repositioning the areola and the breast in a higher, more youthful position, the surgery involves removing the excess, “stretched out” skin that drapes the underlying breast tissue. This tightening of the breast helps to restore the shape of the breast.

Considering a breast lift with Dr. Geo Tabbal? Request a consultation today, or give us a call at (214) 618-3006 to schedule an appointment.

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Is a Breast Lift Right for You?

Whereas breast augmentation adds volume, the primary goal with a breast lift is to take stretched, sagging breast tissue and lift and sculpt it to a more youthful shape and position. The best candidates for breast lift are generally satisfied with the size of their breasts, which can often appear “adequate” or “satisfactory” in the opinion of the patient when they assess the volume of the breast when it’s supported in a bra; however, the support provided from the breast skin and its tissues is far less adequate, allowing for this “adequate” amount of breast tissue to distribute itself in a droopy, sagging fashion.

Whereas breast augmentation adds volume, the primary goal with a breast lift is to take stretched, sagging breast tissue and lift and sculpt it to a more youthful shape and position.

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Your Breast Lift Procedure

Generally speaking, the extent of your surgery directly relates to the degree of sagging, or ptosis, of your breasts. The greater the descent or fall of the breast tissue, the more extensive the technique. This corresponds with 3 different general techniques:

Larger, heavier breasts are also more likely to need a lollipop or anchor incision. During your consultation, Dr. Tabbal will walk you through your options before recommending the technique he believes will lead you to your best possible result based on your specific anatomy.

Geo N. Tabbal M.D.
Arriving at the right decision, together. Dr. Tabbal’s promise to you is simple: providing all the information you need to make smart decisions about your care, leading to transformative results.
Meet Dr. Tabbal

Breast Lift or Breast Augmentation?

On its own, a breast lift reshapes or repositions the breast and the areola. Commonly, women with breast sagging or ptosis often desire or may even need additional volume, which their own tissues can’t provide. By combining a mastopexy or breast lift surgery with placement of a breast implant, this combined breast augmentation with lift can achieve the desired result. When this is the case, Dr. Tabbal aims to perform both in a single procedure whenever possible. Every patient’s individualized anatomy and personal goals for surgery demand a highly personalized, custom tailored approach to augmentation mastopexy, which begins with your consultation.

Because many women consider a breast lift after having children, the procedure often becomes part of a mommy makeover, designed to get that “pre-baby body” back.

Your Recovery

Breast lift is an outpatient procedure, meaning you will be released to the loving care of a friend or family member the same morning or afternoon as your surgery. The recovery is relatively well tolerated, as most patients return to normal activities within a few days. As with all surgical procedures, Dr. Tabbal generally limits any strenuous activities for approximately two weeks following your surgery, while some exercises (like yoga or weightlifting) demand additional time for your incisions to heal without tension, to help minimize their size, appearance, and visibility.