Body Contouring After Weight Loss

Many individuals from the Frisco and Plano, Texas, area have found the strength and determination to lose a significant amount of weight. In such cases, the triumph of shedding the excess pounds can be overshadowed by the extra skin and tissue that stays behind. Dr. Geo Tabbal uses advanced surgical techniques to remove excess skin and reposition underlying tissues. These procedures are able to reveal the physique you have worked so hard for.

Looking to unveil the new you? Request a consultation online or give our practice a call at (214) 618-3006.

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How Surgery After Weight Loss Helps

Skin and tissue that stretched to accommodate a larger body often lose their elasticity when you slim down. This can distort your body and shroud your hard work and dedication. Through body contouring surgery, Dr. Tabbal can tailor that skin and tissue so it properly accentuates your new body.

Through body contouring surgery, Dr. Tabbal can tailor that skin and tissue so it properly accentuates your new body.

Developing Your Surgical Plan

In your initial consultation, Dr. Tabbal will examine you and ask about your medical history. Once he has determined that you are a good candidate for surgery, the discussion will center around the treatment areas that will be most beneficial to you. Procedures commonly address 1 or more of these areas:

  • The breasts
  • The upper arms and axilla (i.e., armpit)
  • The posterior torso or back, as well as the gluteal region
  • The abdomen and midsection
  • The thighs

If your body contouring process involves multiple areas, your procedures will likely involve some form of staging: This optimizes healing by avoiding undue stress on the body.

Patient Preparation Is Everything

The key to a successful procedure is giving the body everything it needs to heal properly. You will receive extensive preoperative instructions — including guidelines for adopting a high-protein, nutrient-rich diet, which you will need to follow closely. This boosts the body’s ability to recover.

Dr. Tabbal is there every step of the way to provide guidance, acting not only as your surgeon, but also your coach and your biggest fan. What matters most to him is providing you with a safe, comfortable, experience that helps you look and feel great.

What to Expect from Surgery

The exact parameters of your procedure depend on the areas that will be treated. That said, Dr. Tabbal commonly performs a variety of procedures including abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), brachioplasty (arm lift), thighplasty or thigh lift, and/or a circumferential body lift (similar to an extended tummy tuck but also including an incision along the backside).

These procedures help remove excess skin while trimming and tailoring the region being addressed. For example, to address the changes in the thighs that result from weight loss, he often uses an incision, placed along the inner thigh which extends from above the knee to the groin area to re-contour the lower extremity.

Your Recovery

Although some procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis, others require you to remain in the hospital overnight. Typically, Dr. Tabbal will have you stay overnight after undergoing either an abdominoplasty or circumferential body lift. This is primarily to ensure your pain is appropriately managed and you can receive the care you need in the immediate period following your operation so that complications are minimized and, in the event a complication does arise, Dr. Tabbal can quickly and effectively address it.

Expect to remain in regular contact with Dr. Tabbal in the days leading up to and immediately following your procedure. As your surgeon, this includes routinely calling his patients the night before their operation, being at your side while being transported from the operating room to the recovery area, greeting your family after the operation to reassure them that everything went well, and frequent calls to “check in” on you before you return for your follow-up visit.

Dr. Tabbal’s goal is to address your every concern before it ever arises, making your recovery as stress-free as possible.

Geo N. Tabbal M.D.
Arriving at the right decision, together. Dr. Tabbal's promise to you is simple: providing all the information you need to make smart decisions about your care, leading to transformative results.
Meet Dr. Tabbal